Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heavy suitcase, heavier heart

A frowning rainbow of sadness.
Current state of the suitcase
What to pack? What not to pack?? Can I live without German-language Harry Potter? German-language Murakami? German-language 20,000 Leagues under the Sea? The Metamorphosis? The Berlin Stories? Um, nööö. Hallo!? This is breaking my heart. These books have been some of my best friends over this year. It's too bad they're so heavy.

Admittedly, Einführung in die Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation wasn't exactly pleasure reading, but it was a big part of my life and I spent  a really long time trying to understand it, as you can see from my notes:

Oh, sadness! I am waxing so nostalgic and gooey. (Of Montreal is kinda helping though, gotta say. Plan to dance crazily in my room by myself when this verdammt mess of packing is behind me.)

Two days until Berlin. 
Seven until New York.
14 until San Francisco.

Would be happy if I were not an emotional disaster! There, I said it. 

Once in Linnaea's a guy told me the coffee was "as black as my soul." Now I feel I can add that my suitcases are as heavy as my heart. Yack. I miss you already, M-dog.

(Es ist doch ein schönes Bild, bitte hasse mich nicht)

1 comment:

  1. Just ship your books back on the cheap slow boat!!! Those sounds like a rad collection auf deutsche. We shall be seeing you at SFO in 2 weeks! :)
