Monday, July 26, 2010

Achtung! Life under construction

So, as I am no longer in Germany, my blog needs a new take on life other than that of a "penniless Californian exchange student." I guess I'll just cross out "exchange." Bing! Done.
I have been away from the fatherland for twelve days now (What? That's all??) and although I am always there in spirit, my spirit doesn't have internet access, so that's no good. I can't blog from Germany about dancing to electro, macking on my boy or having cultural/linguistic misunderstandings all while using charmingly incorrect phrasing (I will nerve them, it made fun, we telephoned, he was making Feierabend, the city was full of Amis) anymore! You may need to read that sentence again.
I am home now, and cannot live in Germany again for-at the most blindingly optimistic-one year. Although this horrifies me, I am trying to deal with it maturely and not begin all sentences with "when I was in Germany..." This is extremely difficult especially considering last call is around 1:30 here, and everyone just seems to accept this
I am also officially a full-time student as of today. I realized when I went to talk to the counselor that I am nearly finished with my silly AA degree. I have to take three more classes for a degree in Liberal Arts, and one more (World Politics) for an International Studies degree. Then I can go on to do much bigger, more expensive learning. Just hopefully not here, because I have decided I cannot afford American universities.
(Oh! Embarrassing thing of the day: When I got to my parents' this evening I told my stepmom I had signed up for "Astrology" to fulfill my science requirement.)
I am also employed, having got my job back at Linnaea's. I'm starting next week. I made my first cappuccino in a year the other day, because I went in to order one and they asked if I wanted to just make it myself. My hands were shaking as I pulled the shots and steamed the milk, afraid I wouldn't remember how to do it and everyone would judge me if I couldn't pull off a perfect rosetta (I'll have to post a picture of what I mean).
Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say, there are a few changes in the works. Stay tuned.

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