Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mostly awake is slightly asleep

Hello, dear readers. All two of you.

When I first awoke this morning I had this sentence in my head, clear as anything: "She went to a French school, where she drank blood from a paper cup." I don't know where that came from. I am crazy. Second spontaneous thought I had was: "I miss Sandercock Street."

It's true. And I miss Linnaea's Cafe. I miss Heather. I miss dollars. I miss falling asleep with my cat smothering my air supply. I miss the lady at Scolari's who always asked me how my cat was doing when I bought cat food. I miss Simpler Times beer.  I miss Cooper cracking open a can and pretending to be in a commercial, saying campily, "When times are getting a little too complicated...reach for Simpler Times." I miss pouring latte art. I miss the beach. I miss having more friends around than I knew what to do with.  I miss palm trees. I miss bonfires. I miss Mexican food. I miss random spontaneous gatherings in the shower. I miss reading by the creek. I miss staying in the pool all day when it was too hot to do anything else.  I miss breakfast out on the porch in the sun.

Hijacking pool in empty apartment complex

But I'm still far from ready to go home to San Luis Obispo. I have so much more to do and see, so many more cool German words to learn. And I don't even have a place on Sandercock anymore. Unless you count my sister's place, where I will probably end up, penniless, begging for a scrap of carpet to sleep on. Cooper lives in San Francisco now. Nothing will be exactly as I remember it.

I had another German dream the night before last. I dreamt I got on the wrong train and there were only senior citizens in it. As the train drove off, I noticed that there was only one car to the train. I realized my error and started to panic. I asked the man next to me, "Where is this train going?" and he said, "Anywhere! That's the beauty of it. We don't know."

Strange shot of me grooving to electro with my sister Heather

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