Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is this a dream?

I am always shocked at how gullible I am in dreams. Last night I really knew I was dreaming, but still couldn't manage to take control of the dream situation. I just let the dream walk all over me. What was I thinking? I could have leaped into the air and flown out the window if I'd wanted to. I could have grown eleven feet or ridden an elephant. But no, I chose to stay at home and do what other people said.

Here was the "story" of the dream: First, I woke up in my apartment in Erfurt. I went down the stairs. My step mom Brenda was sitting on the couch. That should have been the first clue right there. What is my step-mom doing in Germany? But I just accepted it. Then she told me that someone I loved had passed away and gave me a pile of forms to read through and fill out. I told her, look, we've been through this. I've had this awful dream so many times. She said, "What dream? This is real. You have to accept it." Brenda has a great deal of credibility in my mind so I just accepted it.

Then I had a curious idea. I turned to look at the door. I focused my eyes on the doorhandle. Suddenly, it began to turn. I concentrated on it. The screws began to loosen. It slowly came away from the door.  I pulled the doorhandle off with my mind. Then I didn't know what to do with it. It floated there for a second.

Suddenly, something distracted me. Perhaps it was Brenda's voice, or another thought I'd had. The door handle sucked back into the door. Brenda began talking to me, but I kept staring at the door handle. The weight of the situation began to sink in. There was a lot of work to be done. Papers to sign. Old family freinds were coming over and someone was going to have to feed them. I glanced hopefully at the doorhandle but it wouldn't budge. Brenda seemed to know what I was thinking, and told me it was no use.  Just the same as when I lived with her and Dad and I would check the status of the refrigerator every 20 minutes, hoping something delicious had materialized.

Since I couldn't unscrew the door handle with my mind again, I did as I was told. I had a lot of work to do. Family friends came over. I was upset. Everyone was upset. I made dinner. The person who had supposedly died came over for dinner too. No one seemed to think that was odd. As we were all talking about what we remembered about him, he even interrupted, "He always held a grudge against me." Someone rubbed his shoulder and said, "There, there. I'm sure that isn't true."

Then I woke up, thankful it had only been a dream but kicking myself for going along with the dream story instead of befriending a dragon, building a castle in the clouds or turning into a dolphin.

What a letdown.

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