Saturday, September 11, 2010

Breaking news

Last post, I hinted vaguely that something incredible had happened. Well, it has: I got the job!!
What job? Häää?
Well, I didn't go on and on about it this time, afraid too much hot air would blow the delicate possibility away, or like the Establishment saga, that I would update everyone on the application process and then have them asking me about it later when it didn't get in. (But applying at the Estab is kinda like running for President; you sort of have to let everyone know about it to run a successful campaign.)
Another reason was related to my current job. Everyone I hang out with is connected to Linnaea's in some way, and if I were to mention that I was job-hunting, the news might get ahead of me. 
So, I kept it largely quiet.
However, now that I have received a solid offer, I can share the good tidings with you:

I'm the new Arts Editor of New Times!  
The full-time position entails writing arts features every week and editing the content of the Arts section as well as attending plays, concerts, art openings and mingling with the local arts community. I will be following in the footsteps of the great Ashley Schwellenbach, (now Managing Editor) and they are rather large steps.
Looks like I can't describe myself as an unemployed writer anymore.
I can't believe a few months ago I was posting this:

Sunday, May 9, 2010:
The lethargy and sense of despairing pointlessness I have recently been experiencing came to a head today...The work I do goes in the same category as the work I don't do: unnoticed. 
I want a real job so bad it hurts, but I can't make that a reality. I want more than anything to work for a magazine. (I am hilariously bad at most things, but writing is not one of them.) But when and where do I get to use my talent? 
Hot damn, that is depressing stuff. (Bear in mind I was an unnoticed, unpaid PR intern in Erfurt while every other expat journalist I knew seemed to be living it up in the city, owning the airwaves of  Deutsche Welle or exposing scandals in the Catholic church over at SPIEGEL Online.)
Well, those days are over, folks. I'm a full time writer/editor now! Real job! No one can stand stop me now!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Anna! Your talents truly are too great to go unnoticed.
